segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

The South Africa is located in southern Africa, with a coastline that stretches over 2500 km, is also fed by two oceans (Atlantic and Indian Ocean). Covering an area 1 219 912 km ². The country is the 25th largest in the world. The South Africa has a varied landscape. In the west it extends a large plateau, composed partly desert and partly by pastures and savannas, along the course of the Orange River and its main tributary, the Vaal. To the south, rise the ranges of the Karoo and in the east, the Drakensberg, the highest mountain range in southern Africa. The northern course of the Limpopo River forms the border with Botswana and Zimbabwe. The climate varies from a small area of Mediterranean climate in the far south, in the Cape region, the desert northwest. In areas with no Drakensberg mountain climate. The largest city is Johannesburg. Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein and Pretoria are other important cities. The administration official (government, courts, presidency and parliament) is spread by Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Bloemfontein.

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